The Cat's Pajamas Cat Sitting
For the Very Best in Cat Care
Cat Sitting in Andover, Anoka,
Coon Rapids*, Oak Grove*, & Ramsey*, MN
Why Hire a Professional Cat Sitter?
If work or travel keep you away from your cats, you’ve likely considered various pet-care options, from asking a friend or family member to look in, to boarding your cat in a pet hotel or boarding facility. But hiring a pet lover just isn’t enough! For cat owners who want the best care for their cats and who want the peace of mind that comes from using an educated, responsible pet-care provider, a professional cat sitter is a great choice. And The Cat’s Pajamas provides The Very Best in Cat Care!
Why Hire The Cat’s Pajamas?
Cats are happier at home, where they belong: diet and exercise routines are uninterrupted, travel trauma for both you and your cat is eliminated, as is exposure to illness. Whether a weekend trip up north or a month long cruise, you can trust The Cat’s Pajamas with your feline family members. We’ll start with getting acquainted in your home. Following an initial phone conversation, a free of charge in-home consultation (or Meet & Greet) is the purrfect way to get to know each other and ensure we are the right fit. We’ll walk your home and review all aspects of feline care. A completed Cat Profile, Petting Preference Chart, and Preparing for Your Pet Sitter form (see our Cat Sitting Resources) and a review of my Service Contract make certain our expectations are met.

Christine, owner of The Cat’s Pajamas
Christine is Your Trusted Professional
I treat your cats as if they were my own valued and beloved family members. Unlike most pet sitters, I guarantee a full hour with your cat! And as a solo sitter, I will always be the only person in your home. In addition to standard feeding and litter box care, I will snuggle, brush and play with your kitties, devoting all my attention to them, keeping them relaxed and at ease while you are away. Discovering what gets each kitty excited and playing will often get even shy kitties swatting and chasing toys. And you’ll be updated with photos and videos every day.
I will treat your home as if it were my own as well. I will water plants, bring in mail/newspapers and alternate lights and curtains at your request. Bonded and insured, I have passed a background check and am committed to providing each and every client with the peace of mind and assurance that I am fully qualified and prepared to care for your feline family members and home while you are away.
Please “check me-owt” and call now to set up a Meet & Greet!